ways to simplify or maximize your giving
Choose from the many options below to make giving easier with less friction
FaithStreet is our online giving portal. You can easily set up a one time payment or a recurring gift. Use the drop down menus to decide what to give towards. Scroll below to see the areas you can choose to give to.
F&WM is a recognized 501c3 and is registered with the PayPal giving fund.
If you donate to F&WM through the PayPal giving fund, PayPal will absorb ALL transaction fees. The donation will be recorded as a donation to PayPal's DAF.
To give a stock or through your DAF, click here. Our financial representative from Schwab can assist you.
To Give by Check:
Make check payable to F&WM Global OR Faith and Work Movement Global
Mail check to: F&WM. P.O. Box 1853, Mountain View, CA 94042

Designate your gift by clicking the specific area you want to sow into below
or by indicating that area on the memo of your check, with your DAF, PayPal or other donations.
Partner with F&WM to train leaders and help workplace groups thrive!
Help us reach new companies and new cities while supporting existing city networks.
Send F&WM to fulfill the second half of our vision to "IMPACT THE WORLD" and reach international cities and companies.
Have your donation go to where our greatest needs are!
Sow into our staff to help cover benefits, retirement, and sabbaticals.